Oregon State at UCLA
@ Los Angeles, CA (Pauley Pavilion)
10/14/2022 at 7:04 pm

Final 1 2 3 Score
UCLA (9-7,3-4 Pac-12) 25 25 25 3
Oregon State (6-11,1-6 Pac-12) 19 20 20 0
Set: 1st  |  2nd  |  3rd
OSU -- 1st -- UCLA
  F-110 starters: elan, McCall; Anna, Dodson; Charitie, Luper; Iman, Ndiaye; Tristin, Savage; Matti, McKissock.  
  F-528 starters: Aliyah, McDonald; Mychael, Vernon; Inna, Balyko; Izzi, Szulczewski; Kinley, Swan; Iris, Coba.  
1-0 [White, Ryan] Service ace (Cole, Mackenzie). Point OSU
[White, Ryan] Kill by Savage, Tristin (from McKissock, Matti). Point UCLA 1-1
2-1 [McCall, elan] Service error. Point OSU
[Balyko, Inna] Service error. Point UCLA 2-2
3-2 [Cole, Mackenzie] Attack error by Ndiaye, Iman (from McKissock, Matti). Point OSU
  OSU subs: Villaluz, Emma.  
4-2 [Villaluz, Emma] Attack error by Luper, Charitie (block by Szulczewski, Izzi). Point OSU
[Villaluz, Emma] Kill by Dodson, Anna (from McKissock, Matti). Point UCLA 4-3
  UCLA subs: Dueck, Peyton.  
[Dueck, Peyton] Kill by Cole, Mackenzie. Point UCLA 4-4
  OSU subs: Tkachenko, Kateryna.  
5-4 [Dueck, Peyton] Service error. Point OSU
  OSU subs: Herron, Keira.  
[Herron, Keira] Service error. Point UCLA 5-5
6-5 [Luper, Charitie] Kill by Szulczewski, Izzi (from Balyko, Inna). Point OSU
7-5 [Szulczewski, Izzi] Kill by Swan, Kinley (from Balyko, Inna). Point OSU
[Szulczewski, Izzi] Kill by Dodson, Anna (from McKissock, Matti). Point UCLA 7-6
8-6 [Dodson, Anna] Attack error by McCall, elan (from McKissock, Matti). Point OSU
[Coba, Iris] Kill by McCall, elan (from McKissock, Matti). Point UCLA 8-7
9-7 [McKissock, Matti] Kill by White, Ryan. Point OSU
10-7 [White, Ryan] Attack error by Ndiaye, Iman (block by McDonald, Aliyah; Balyko, Inna). Point OSU
[White, Ryan] Attack error by Szulczewski, Izzi (block by Ndiaye, Iman; Savage, Tristin). Point UCLA 10-8
[McCall, elan] Kill by Luper, Charitie (from McKissock, Matti). Point UCLA 10-9
[McCall, elan] Attack error by McDonald, Aliyah (from Balyko, Inna). Point UCLA 10-10
11-10 [McCall, elan] Kill by Vernon, Mychael (from Balyko, Inna). Point OSU
[Balyko, Inna] Kill by Ndiaye, Iman (from McKissock, Matti). Point UCLA 11-11
12-11 [Cole, Mackenzie] Kill by Vernon, Mychael (from Balyko, Inna). Point OSU
13-11 [Villaluz, Emma] Attack error by Ndiaye, Iman (from McKissock, Matti). Point OSU
[Villaluz, Emma] Service error. Point UCLA 13-12
[Dueck, Peyton] Attack error by Szulczewski, Izzi (from Balyko, Inna). Point UCLA 13-13
14-13 [Dueck, Peyton] Service error. Point OSU
[Herron, Keira] Kill by McKissock, Matti (from Dueck, Peyton). Point UCLA 14-14
15-14 [Luper, Charitie] Attack error by Dodson, Anna (from McKissock, Matti). Point OSU
[Szulczewski, Izzi] Kill by Dodson, Anna (from McKissock, Matti). Point UCLA 15-15
[Dodson, Anna] Attack error by Swan, Kinley (block by Savage, Tristin; McKissock, Matti). Point UCLA 15-16
16-16 [Dodson, Anna] Kill by Tkachenko, Kateryna (from Balyko, Inna). Point OSU
[Coba, Iris] Kill by McCall, elan (from McKissock, Matti). Point UCLA 16-17
[McKissock, Matti] Bad set by Balyko, Inna. Point UCLA 16-18
[McKissock, Matti] Kill by McCall, elan (from McKissock, Matti). Point UCLA 16-19
[McKissock, Matti] Attack error by Swan, Kinley (from Balyko, Inna). Point UCLA 16-20
[McKissock, Matti] Attack error by Vernon, Mychael (block by Ndiaye, Iman; Savage, Tristin). Point UCLA 16-21
17-21 [McKissock, Matti] Kill by Szulczewski, Izzi (from Balyko, Inna). Point OSU
[White, Ryan] Kill by Ndiaye, Iman (from McKissock, Matti). Point UCLA 17-22
18-22 [McCall, elan] Attack error by Ndiaye, Iman (block by Vernon, Mychael; McDonald, Aliyah). Point OSU
19-22 [Balyko, Inna] Attack error by Luper, Charitie (from Savage, Tristin). Point OSU
[Balyko, Inna] Kill by Luper, Charitie (from McKissock, Matti). Point UCLA 19-23
[Cole, Mackenzie] Attack error by Vernon, Mychael (from Balyko, Inna). Point UCLA 19-24
[Cole, Mackenzie] Attack error by Vernon, Mychael (from Szulczewski, Izzi). Point UCLA 19-25
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OSU -- 2nd -- UCLA
  UCLA subs: Dueck, Peyton.  
  F-110 starters: elan, McCall; Anna, Dodson; Charitie, Luper; Iman, Ndiaye; Tristin, Savage; Matti, McKissock; Mackenzie, Cole; Peyton, Dueck.  
  F-528 starters: Aliyah, McDonald; Mychael, Vernon; Inna, Balyko; Izzi, Szulczewski; Kinley, Swan; Iris, Coba; Ryan, White; Emma, Villaluz; Kateryna, Tkachenko; Keira, Herron.  
  OSU subs: Villaluz, Emma; McDonald, Aliyah; Tkachenko, Kateryna; Herron, Keira; Unal, DiLara.  
[McKissock, Matti] Attack error by Vernon, Mychael (block by Savage, Tristin; Ndiaye, Iman). Point UCLA 0-1
[McKissock, Matti] Service ace (White, Ryan). Point UCLA 0-2
1-2 [McKissock, Matti] Service error. Point OSU
2-2 [White, Ryan] Kill by Vernon, Mychael. Point OSU
3-2 [White, Ryan] Kill by Vernon, Mychael (from Balyko, Inna). Point OSU
[White, Ryan] Kill by Ndiaye, Iman (from McKissock, Matti). Point UCLA 3-3
4-3 [McCall, elan] Bad set by Luper, Charitie. Point OSU
[Balyko, Inna] Kill by Ndiaye, Iman (from McKissock, Matti). Point UCLA 4-4
5-4 [Cole, Mackenzie] Ball handling error by Dodson, Anna. Point OSU
  OSU subs: Villaluz, Emma; Tkachenko, Kateryna.  
[Villaluz, Emma] Kill by Dodson, Anna (from McKissock, Matti). Point UCLA 5-5
  UCLA subs: Dueck, Peyton.  
6-5 [Dueck, Peyton] Kill by Szulczewski, Izzi (from Tkachenko, Kateryna). Point OSU
[Unal, DiLara] Kill by Luper, Charitie (from McKissock, Matti). Point UCLA 6-6
[Luper, Charitie] Attack error by Swan, Kinley (from Balyko, Inna). Point UCLA 6-7
[Luper, Charitie] Attack error by Szulczewski, Izzi (from Balyko, Inna). Point UCLA 6-8
7-8 [Luper, Charitie] Kill by Tkachenko, Kateryna (from Balyko, Inna). Point OSU
[Szulczewski, Izzi] Kill by McCall, elan (from McKissock, Matti). Point UCLA 7-9
[Dodson, Anna] Service ace (Tkachenko, Kateryna). Point UCLA 7-10
[Dodson, Anna] Service ace (Villaluz, Emma). Point UCLA 7-11
8-11 [Dodson, Anna] Kill by Swan, Kinley (from Balyko, Inna). Point OSU
9-11 [Coba, Iris] Kill by Szulczewski, Izzi (from Balyko, Inna). Point OSU
[Coba, Iris] Kill by McCall, elan (from McKissock, Matti). Point UCLA 9-12
10-12 [McKissock, Matti] Kill by Vernon, Mychael (from Balyko, Inna). Point OSU
[White, Ryan] Kill by McCall, elan (from McKissock, Matti). Point UCLA 10-13
[McCall, elan] Attack error by Vernon, Mychael (from White, Ryan). Point UCLA 10-14
11-14 [McCall, elan] Kill by Balyko, Inna (from Szulczewski, Izzi). Point OSU
[Balyko, Inna] Kill by Luper, Charitie (from McKissock, Matti). Point UCLA 11-15
[Cole, Mackenzie] Attack error by Vernon, Mychael (block by Dodson, Anna; Ndiaye, Iman). Point UCLA 11-16
[Cole, Mackenzie] Kill by Dodson, Anna. Point UCLA 11-17
  UCLA subs: Olson, Grayce.  
12-17 [Cole, Mackenzie] Kill by White, Ryan. Point OSU
13-17 [Villaluz, Emma] Kill by Unal, DiLara. Point OSU
[Villaluz, Emma] Kill by McCall, elan (from Ndiaye, Iman). Point UCLA 13-18
14-18 [Dueck, Peyton] Service error. Point OSU
[Unal, DiLara] Attack error by Tkachenko, Kateryna (from Balyko, Inna). Point UCLA 14-19
  UCLA subs: Lane, Kate; McCarthy, Katie.  
15-19 [McCarthy, Katie] Kill by Szulczewski, Izzi (from Balyko, Inna). Point OSU
[Szulczewski, Izzi] Kill by McCall, elan (from Dueck, Peyton). Point UCLA 15-20
[Dodson, Anna] Service ace (White, Ryan). Point UCLA 15-21
16-21 [Dodson, Anna] Kill by Swan, Kinley (from Balyko, Inna). Point OSU
17-21 [Coba, Iris] Kill by Vernon, Mychael (from White, Ryan). Point OSU
[Coba, Iris] Kill by McKissock, Matti (from Cole, Mackenzie). Point UCLA 17-22
18-22 [McKissock, Matti] Kill by Szulczewski, Izzi (from Balyko, Inna). Point OSU
19-22 [White, Ryan] Attack error by McCall, elan (block by Unal, DiLara; Vernon, Mychael). Point OSU
[White, Ryan] Kill by Ndiaye, Iman (from McKissock, Matti). Point UCLA 19-23
[McCall, elan] Kill by Savage, Tristin (from Balyko, Inna). Point UCLA 19-24
20-24 [McCall, elan] Service error. Point OSU
[Balyko, Inna] Kill by Olson, Grayce (from McKissock, Matti). Point UCLA 20-25
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OSU -- 3rd -- UCLA
  UCLA subs: Luper, Charitie.  
  F-110 starters: elan, McCall; Anna, Dodson; Charitie, Luper; Iman, Ndiaye; Tristin, Savage; Matti, McKissock; Mackenzie, Cole; Peyton, Dueck; Grayce, Olson; Kate, Lane; Katie, McCarthy.  
  F-528 starters: Mychael, Vernon; Inna, Balyko; Izzi, Szulczewski; Kinley, Swan; Iris, Coba; Ryan, White; DiLara, Unal; Emma, Villaluz; Kateryna, Tkachenko.  
  UCLA subs: Dueck, Peyton; Olson, Grayce; Lane, Kate.  
  OSU subs: Villaluz, Emma; Tkachenko, Kateryna; Coba, Iris; Ballioglu, Nursena.  
[White, Ryan] Kill by Savage, Tristin (from McKissock, Matti). Point UCLA 0-1
1-1 [Cole, Mackenzie] Kill by Szulczewski, Izzi (from Balyko, Inna). Point OSU
[Balyko, Inna] Kill by Ndiaye, Iman (from McKissock, Matti). Point UCLA 1-2
  UCLA subs: Dueck, Peyton.  
[Dueck, Peyton] Kill by McCall, elan (from McKissock, Matti). Point UCLA 1-3
2-3 [Dueck, Peyton] Kill by Vernon, Mychael (from White, Ryan). Point OSU
  OSU subs: Villaluz, Emma; Tkachenko, Kateryna.  
3-3 [Villaluz, Emma] Attack error by Dodson, Anna (from McKissock, Matti). Point OSU
[Villaluz, Emma] Kill by McCall, elan (from McKissock, Matti). Point UCLA 3-4
  UCLA subs: Olson, Grayce.  
[McCall, elan] Service ace (White, Ryan). Point UCLA 3-5
[McCall, elan] Kill by McCall, elan (from McKissock, Matti). Point UCLA 3-6
[McCall, elan] Attack error by Tkachenko, Kateryna (from Balyko, Inna). Point UCLA 3-7
4-7 [McCall, elan] Kill by Szulczewski, Izzi (from Balyko, Inna). Point OSU
5-7 [Unal, DiLara] Kill by Szulczewski, Izzi (from Villaluz, Emma). Point OSU
6-7 [Unal, DiLara] Kill by Tkachenko, Kateryna (from Villaluz, Emma). Point OSU
[Unal, DiLara] Service error. Point UCLA 6-8
7-8 [Dodson, Anna] Kill by Szulczewski, Izzi (from Balyko, Inna). Point OSU
8-8 [Szulczewski, Izzi] Attack error by McCall, elan (from McKissock, Matti). Point OSU
9-8 [Szulczewski, Izzi] Kill by Szulczewski, Izzi (from Balyko, Inna). Point OSU
[Szulczewski, Izzi] Kill by Savage, Tristin (from McKissock, Matti). Point UCLA 9-9
[McKissock, Matti] Kill by Savage, Tristin (from McKissock, Matti). Point UCLA 9-10
[McKissock, Matti] Attack error by Tkachenko, Kateryna (block by Ndiaye, Iman; Savage, Tristin). Point UCLA 9-11
10-11 [McKissock, Matti] Service error. Point OSU
[Tkachenko, Kateryna] Kill by Olson, Grayce (from McKissock, Matti). Point UCLA 10-12
[McCarthy, Katie] Attack error by Swan, Kinley (from Balyko, Inna). Point UCLA 10-13
11-13 [McCarthy, Katie] Service error. Point OSU
[White, Ryan] Kill by Savage, Tristin (from McKissock, Matti). Point UCLA 11-14
[Cole, Mackenzie] Kill by McCall, elan (from McKissock, Matti). Point UCLA 11-15
[Cole, Mackenzie] Attack error by Vernon, Mychael (from Balyko, Inna). Point UCLA 11-16
12-16 [Cole, Mackenzie] Kill by Vernon, Mychael (from Balyko, Inna). Point OSU
[Balyko, Inna] Kill by Dodson, Anna (from McKissock, Matti). Point UCLA 12-17
13-17 [Dueck, Peyton] Kill by Unal, DiLara (from Balyko, Inna). Point OSU
[Villaluz, Emma] Kill by Dodson, Anna (from McKissock, Matti). Point UCLA 13-18
14-18 [McCall, elan] Kill by Tkachenko, Kateryna (from Balyko, Inna). Point OSU
[Unal, DiLara] Kill by Olson, Grayce (from McKissock, Matti). Point UCLA 14-19
15-19 [Dodson, Anna] Kill by Swan, Kinley (from Balyko, Inna). Point OSU
16-19 [Szulczewski, Izzi] Service ace (Cole, Mackenzie). Point OSU
[Szulczewski, Izzi] Service error. Point UCLA 16-20
[McKissock, Matti] Attack error by Tkachenko, Kateryna (from Balyko, Inna). Point UCLA 16-21
17-21 [McKissock, Matti] Service error. Point OSU
18-21 [Tkachenko, Kateryna] Kill by Vernon, Mychael (from Szulczewski, Izzi). Point OSU
[Tkachenko, Kateryna] Kill by Olson, Grayce (from McKissock, Matti). Point UCLA 18-22
[McCarthy, Katie] Service ace (White, Ryan). Point UCLA 18-23
[McCarthy, Katie] Kill by McCall, elan (from McKissock, Matti). Point UCLA 18-24
19-24 [McCarthy, Katie] Service error. Point OSU
20-24 [White, Ryan] Attack error by Ndiaye, Iman (from Cole, Mackenzie). Point OSU
[White, Ryan] Kill by McCall, elan (from McKissock, Matti). Point UCLA 20-25
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